Throw Away Those Old QA Forms!
More and more companies are wising up to the industry trend of tossing those 10 page QA forms and replacing them with an effective abbreviated form that focuses on critical process contact essentials...
View ArticleThe Effect of the At-Home Model on Customer Satisfaction
A recent research brief published by FurstPerson made some interesting observations regarding the effects of moving high performing agents into an at-home model and its effect on overall customer...
View ArticleStop Trying to Delight Your Customers
WHAT!? No, you didn't read that wrong. This is the premise behind an article in the July/August issue of Harvard Business Review. The authors of this article argue that exceeding customer...
View ArticleHidden Costs of Foreign Outsourcing
A few weeks ago I decided to take a quick trip to Virginia Beach, so I called a well known travel company that happens to outsource to India. I was greeted by an agent that stated his name was John,...
View ArticleCrash Course on "Customer Experience" Metrics
So if "customer experience" is defined as the sum total of all the interactions that a customer has with the organization, how do you go about measuring it? As a customer you have an emotional gauge...
View ArticleCSA S.T.A.R.
In my last post, I taught you a new way to think about ‘twinkling stars’. This time, I want to talk about a new kind of star - the CSA S.T.A.R. or Cloud Security Alliance Security Trust &...
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